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Spiritual awakening

Beyond the Physical

With so many earthly matters to attend to every day, how can we find time to devote to a spiritual practice? I believe that the two go hand in hand. With Spiritual awakening, I aim to help you use mindfulness and gratitude to make order out of chaos.

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The aim of Spiritual awakening blog

Spiritual awakening is an individual experience that varies widely, but it generally involves an increased awareness of one's inner self, a connection to a higher reality, and a shift in perspective on life and its meaning. The key aspects are : self-discovery, inner peace, connection to the Divine, expanded consciousness, personal transformation, mindfulness and presence, empathy and compassion. This blog is written in two languages: english and croatian.The aim of this blog is to inspire all the beautiful souls around the world and to achieve mindfulness, happiness, self-healing and self-discovery.
Instagram contact: moon_muse23

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Soulmate relationships are very beautiful and easy. Soulmates can be friends, parents, partners and animals. Through them, souls learn...

Srodne duše

Odnosi srodnih duša su jako lijepi i lagani. Srodne duše mogu biti prijatelji, roditelji, partneri i životinje. Kroz njih učimo jako...

Znakovi ranjene muške energije

Kada je muškarac u svojoj ranjenoj muškoj energiji on je isključivo vođen egom; sve radnje i akcije koje poduzima su vođene egom. Njegov...

Znakovi ranjene ženske energije

Kada je žena u svojoj ranjenoj ženskoj energiji to se prepoznaje u njenom pristupu i odnosu prema drugim ljudima, sebi i životu. Obično...

Signs of a wounded feminine energy

When a feminine is wounded it is visible in her approach and attitute towards other people and life. She is usually in a victim mentality...

Twin Flames in third parties

These situations are very common in Twin flame relationships, mostly from the side of the Divine Masculine. Why is this even happening?...

Kako znati da je neka duša baš za nas?

Kada se počinjemo iscjeljivati, raditi na sebi duhovno, emocionalno i mentalno puno se stvari promijeni. Počinjemo vidjeti da neke stvari...

How to know if a soul is for us?

When we start with our healing journey, working on ourselves spiritually, emotionally and mentally, many things change. We begin to see...

Što su Blizanački plamenovi?

Blizanački plamenovi ili duše su jedna duša podijeljena u dva tijela prilikom reinkarnacije. Muška energija i ženska energija ili...

What are Twin Flames?

Twin Flames are one soul split into two bodies during reincarnation. Male energy and female energy or Divine Masculine and Divine...

Božanska Muška Blizanačka duša 2. dio

U današnjeg blogu pričamo o Božanskoj muškoj energiji (BM) Blizanačka duša. On je također rođen u obitelji koja ima generacijske traume....

Divine feminine Twin flame part 1

In today's blog I want to talk about the Divine Feminine (DF) Twin flame. The DF is usually born in a generational trauma and a...

Karmic souls

What are karmic souls? These are souls who have a common karma to pay off. Karma is not necessarily bad, it is simply lessons that a soul...

Karmičke duše

Što su karmičke duše? To su duše koje imaju zajedničku karmu za isplatiti. Karma ne mora nužno biti loša, nego su to jednostavno lekcije...

Healthy masculine energy

In today's society too little importance is given to healthy male energy and its important role in our society. Since the ego prevails,...

Zdrava muška energija

Danas se premalo važnosti daje zdravoj muškoj energiji i njezinoj bitnoj ulozi u našem društvu. S obzirom da ego prevladava, teško je...

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